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Boring Messages

These days I pretty much glaze over every time I receive a cold email or LinkedIn message...

They're all different shades of grey.

My brain is on auto-pilot in dismissing them.

But I never get any phone calls.

Aside from some dodgy scammers or a guy trying to chat to me about some random survey.

It's amazing - the amount of posts on this platform talking about cold calling strategies, techniques & tips...yet hardly anyone does it. 


Probably because knowing something intellectually & doing it are two very different skillsets. 

Salespeople who have a fear of the phone are like jockeys who are afraid of horses. 

Saddle up and ride - yes you'll fall off & get trampled on at first. But you'll get better. 

- Weird how this post has just turned into a jockey analogy - well it is 5:50pm, brain is fried, and ironically I just finished a cold calling session with a client.

If you're serious about upskilling your phone game - DM me. 

I have a bit of time before Christmas to work with a couple of new coaching clients. 

I could just make you the Frankie Dettori of prospecting (*may as well finish on the jockey analogy). 

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