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Business Owner & Sales Coach...

Picture the scene -

A conversation between a Business Owner and a (decent) Sales Coach...


"... So I'm great when I get in front of prospects."


"What's your conversion rate?"






"Well...pretty much."

They then proceeded to listen back to 5 recorded sales conversations.

Only one converted into contractual business.


"I don't mean to sound rude, but wasn't your conversion rate 100%?!"


"Well 'A' didn't have budget...with 'B' the timing was off, 'C' didn't have it near the top of their priority list...and 'D' is waiting on funding."


"So, without sounding too pointed, would you say your conversion rate is closer to 20%...based on these five meetings?"


" guess you're right with these yeah."

The sales coach then went into detail about uncovering needs & building a business case by asking the right types of questions, finding out what's really going on in the business to drive change - problems, causes, impacts - how they feel about it, why now, and why change at all.

And guess what?

Barely any of that had been covered during the 5 recordings they listened to...

So are sales conversion rates genuinely based on deep discovery & getting to the truth of a prospect's predicament?

Or, are there much deeper layers to explore to truly understand someone's situation?

And by being this thorough...will potential objections/barriers to working together start to fade away?


Will conversion rates increase?


You at least give yourself a greater chance.

Sales, and the ability to run & manage an effective sales meeting with tact, leadership and insight is not easy.

It's a honed skill and takes years of practice to get right.

In this example...

100% conversion rate - Fantasy

20% conversion rate - Reality

Closing the gap between Fantasy & Reality?

A distinct possibility.

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