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The biggest game changer in sales..?

Having total respect for yourself.

Those salespeople who don't will tend to do any number of the following:

1. Pandering & putting their prospects on a pedestal

2. Bending over backwards whilst getting nothing in return

3. Discounting - often without even needing to

4. Chasing & general awkwardness - as a result of not managing expectations or next steps

5. Not being able to ask tough questions - as they feel it may risk 'being liked'

However, approaching your sales interactions with total self respect, and a 'Partnership mentality' will reverse the above issues that far too many salespeople suffer from.


- Respect yourself

- Respect your own time

- Respect the fundamental role you play in your company

- Become aware of & drop any insecurities

And be a true sales professional.

Then watch what happens to your results.

P.s. message me if you want to find out more details about my new coaching club. 3 spots left.

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