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That awkward moment at the start of a sales meeting...

When the salesperson tries to transition from small-talk & 'rapport building' to business.

It's often awkward because the salesperson doesn't want to appear like a 'salesperson' by switching to the actual reason they're both there.

Which is complete madness. 

And a complete misunderstanding of what sales is.

...based in insecurity & fear.

In their mind, the 'rapport' they've built might be compromised if they seem too eager to talk business. 

They don't want to risk not being 'liked' by appearing eager to make the sale.

But there is one overwhelming reason they feel this way.

They think selling is talking about 'pitching' their solution through their people skills & 'personality'.


- You don't need to be liked to sell.

- You need to be trusted. 

If you are liked, then this is simply a bonus and a by-product of doing your job properly. 

A lot of salespeople have little to no idea of how to approach a sales meeting or what they should be looking for during the conversation. 

This, along with a need for approval, is the reason for their insecurities.

Some ways to fix...

1 - Forget about your solution by putting it right at the back of your mind.

2 - Understand and map out the main business problems you solve.

3 - Make the conversation exclusively about your prospects; their world, their situation, their problems, their biggest obstacles.

4 - Ask intelligent & thought-provoking questions to get to the crux of their business & to understand if you can help them.

5 - Genuinely care if there is an actual case for potentially working together...and if not qualify out.

6 - Limit any small talk. Obviously don't become a robot...but remember you're not there to make friends - you're there to potentially solve a problem. 

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