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The worst thing to happen on a cold call?

Some people say that the worst thing to happen on a cold call is someone hanging up or saying 'no'.

I disagree.

Imagine a CEO picking up and in a blunt, gruff voice bellowing the following down the line two to a 21 yr old SDR...




This will often cause panic, and the young sales rep will often go into fight, flight or freeze mode.

They are completely out of their depth...leading to feelings of intimidation & potential humiliation.

They'll most probably fall into an elevator pitch, answering any questions directed at them obediently, whilst at the same time most likely apologising.

This is one of the worst things that can happen on a cold call.

It also has the capacity to shoot any young sales rep's self-confidence to pieces.

That CEO, as a figure of authority, is extremely intimidating to a young inexperienced sales rep fresh out of university.

It's the way we've been conditioned from birth.

This is the real world and it's tough.

It's a real fear - of looking or sounding like an idiot, or a clueless, two bit salesperson with zero credibility.

It has the potential to deeply impact you and knock your confidence.

So how best to overcome?

The easiest way is to prevent it from happening in the first place - by having a watertight introduction to preempt typical pushback.

Whether that's a permission based opener or something similar.

And by ensuring you nail your tone.

Smokescreens often come as a result of 'sounding' like a salesperson - so tonality is absolutely critical.

And if you still run into trouble, the following might help...

1. Slow down

2. Breathe into your diaphragm (not your chest) - where your power is

3. Let your rational mind catch up and take control back from your reptilian (survival) brain

4. Stick to your opening problem statement and don't be railroaded off track or forced into a product pitch

5. Call out the elephant in the room & inject humour (which can work like magic in diffusing tension): -

"Sounds like you hate receiving sales calls as much as I hate making them."

"If I told you this was a sales call, would a small piece of you die?"

Like anything in life, it takes constant practice, but with that comes new mental muscle, resilience, skill and elegance of communication.

Which will last a lifetime.

And by following these steps you'll find that your tone will vastly improve.

You'll be more assertive, more confident and that will come through your voice.

Your main challenge is taking charge of your amygdala or 'reptilian brain' which is purely reactive as it strives for self- preservation.

The goal is to always respond with your logical brain which is much more thoughtful, considered and balanced.

So...S. L. O. W. everything down.

Composure = Control.

And if you're still stuck, DM me.

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